A população gaúcha precisa da ajuda de todos os brasileiros. Praticamente todas as regões do Rio Grande do Sul foram afetadas pelas tempestades que atingem o Estado desde o final de abril. A ABERT se junta à corrente de solidariedade para atender as comunidades mais atingidas. A Defesa Civil do...
Outras participações da ABERT durante a NABSHOW
Na segunda-feira (15), a ABERT participou de reunião promovida pela SET (Sociedade Brasileira de Engenharia de Televisão) com o ministro das Comunicações, Juscelino Filho, durante a NABSHOW, no Centro de Convenções de Las Vegas. Filho apresentou um balanço das ações do MCom e afirmou que o governo brasileiro está empenhado...
Abertura da NABSHOW tem robô criado por IA
Ameca, um robô criado pela Inteligência Artificial (IA) foi a estrela da abertura da NABSHOW 2024, na segunda-feira (15), em Las Vegas (EUA). Na interação com o CEO da NAB, Curtis LeGeyt, Ameca respondeu a várias perguntas sobre os benefícios do uso da IA na radiodifusão. Considerada a principal feira...
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Things I’ve Learned about Investing and Business
Jenny Lee joined GGV Capital in 2005 as one of its most important new partners and was instrumental in setting up the GGV presence in China. Her previous operation and finance work experience with Singapore Technologies Aerospace, Morgan Stanley and JAFCO Asia enhanced her role as a preferred board head...
LinkedIn Stock Downgraded After Microsoft Deal
Jenny Lee joined GGV Capital in 2005 as one of its most important new partners and was instrumental in setting up the GGV presence in China. Her previous operation and finance work experience with Singapore Technologies Aerospace, Morgan Stanley and JAFCO Asia enhanced her role as a preferred board head...
London SE in Frankfurt?
Jenny Lee joined GGV Capital in 2005 as one of its most important new partners and was instrumental in setting up the GGV presence in China. Her previous operation and finance work experience with Singapore Technologies Aerospace, Morgan Stanley and JAFCO Asia enhanced her role as a preferred board head...
Behind Johnson & Johnson’s 91.5% Rise in 10 years (JNJ)
Jenny Lee joined GGV Capital in 2005 as one of its most important new partners and was instrumental in setting up the GGV presence in China. Her previous operation and finance work experience with Singapore Technologies Aerospace, Morgan Stanley and JAFCO Asia enhanced her role as a preferred board head...
LinkedIn Stock Downgraded After Microsoft Deal
Jenny Lee joined GGV Capital in 2005 as one of its most important new partners and was instrumental in setting up the GGV presence in China. Her previous operation and finance work experience with Singapore Technologies Aerospace, Morgan Stanley and JAFCO Asia enhanced her role as a preferred board head...
London SE in Frankfurt?
Jenny Lee joined GGV Capital in 2005 as one of its most important new partners and was instrumental in setting up the GGV presence in China. Her previous operation and finance work experience with Singapore Technologies Aerospace, Morgan Stanley and JAFCO Asia enhanced her role as a preferred board head...